Herne Bay Cartoon Festival 2016
The theme of the 2016 festival was seaside postcards. And the spirit of Donald McGill was a running theme throughout the town.
The poster for this festival was designed for us by Dave Brown of the Independent. It featured Boris as a seagull sending an unpleasant message to the then PM David Cameron.

The attending cartoonists posed for photo at the bandstand before marching along the seafront.

At the Seaside Museum David Cross curated a Giles exhibition – not for the first time – which was popular with locals and visitors to the town.
We also held our first Young Cartoonists Competition and displayed the winning entries at the Kings Hall foyer. In advance of submissions we held a series of workshops for the young hopefuls at Beach Creative, led by Des Buckley and Royston Robertson.
At the Bay Art Gallery we showed the work of Punch cartoonist David Hawker.

For the live cartooning event at the Bandstand, Glenn Marshall sat inside a specially created photo booth and produced strips of caricatures which were delivered through a slot.
After the exhibition closed at Beach Creative we moved the cartoonists original work to the Falstaff Hotel, Addington Street, Ramsgate for two more weeks.